Ngahere: the bush of Aotearoa
The Professional Weavers Network of New Zealand
Whakaaturanga Exhibition & Community Galleries
Saturday 13 May 2023 11.00am -
Sunday 18 June 2023 3.00pm

Kereru, Patricia Armour
Ngahere – The Bush of Aotearoa
An exhibition that will immerse you in the beauty and majesty
of the New Zealand bush
Before humans arrived in New Zealand: “The forest was evergreen and lush, and consisted of two main types: conifer–broadleaf dominating the North Island, and beech in much of the South Island. Under the tallest trees were layers of young trees, tree ferns and shrubs, and lower still were ferns and sedges. Vines and epiphytes thrived, and mosses and liverworts carpeted the ground. The result was a dense tangle…”
Te Ara website
A tactile exhibition that blends imagination, skill and creative flair, ‘Ngahere – The Bush of Aotearoa’ brings together some of New Zealand’s most talented weavers. Featuring over 45 stunning artworks, including hand woven textured and gauze fabrics, tapestries, Jacquard weaves, floor rugs and cushions, this show explores all aspects of our New Zealand bush.
This installation of hand woven works offers a unique way of experiencing the great beauty of the New Zealand bush expressed through the work of highly skilled and talented individual artist weavers. Taking their inspiration from the wide variety of experiences to be found in the bush, and reflecting them in a kaleidoscope of textures, colours and filtered light, the weavers have interpreted the theme in many different ways – keeping the textures and colours of the bush of Aotearoa in mind, though not necessarily being literal in the approach.